Cincykitty's Site
About Me | Favorite Links | My Pets | My Pets part 2 | Pictures | Campus Crusade Fall 2003 Retreat Pictures | ECC property pictures | ECC Construction Pictures | Newsong Concert Pictures | Whiteboard

Welcome Splash

Happy Springtime!!!!

Here you'll learn all about me: my interests and hobbies, the people in my family, my pets, and more. I've even included a list of my favorite links to other sites.


What's New?

Here is where I will give occasional updates about what I have added, changed, edited, or deleted.
R.I.P. Critter 4/22/2004 You were much loved, little guy. I'll miss you
Nothing major was updated, I just added something on My Pets part 2 page. Critter passed away so I made that change, and added my new hamster to the page.
~ Kat
Today, I added a new page. Newsong Concert Pictures. This page contains the obvious: pictures from the Newsong concert I attended on April 6th. I also added 4 new pictures on the ECC Construction Pictures page. These pictures are from Sunday's church service.
~ Kat
Again did some much needed updating of my site. My apologies for not updating this more often. With school, church stuff, homework, family, bible study, and Campus Crusade for Christ along with everything else, I just don't have much time to update. It takes a good hour or more to update even a little bit b/c of the way this is set up, so I don't have much time that often. I'll do my best to update more often though.
Today I added 2 more sets of pictures of construction on the church. They look really nice so be sure to check them out!
~ Kat
Please sign my guestbook!!!! New people who come out here do not always sign my guestbook. Some do, some don't, but I'd appreciate it if you do so I know who all has been out here, and i can go visit your site if you have one!
~ Kat
I just checked out the saved drawings on my whiteboard and found that someone (none of you...someone who probably got this from someone I know) left an inappropriate message with some bad language in it on my whiteboard. Well, I did not know how to delete messages, so I deleted the whiteboard and then went back to the site I got it from and added it again. This time I changed the settings, though. You now will have to have a password in order to have access to my whiteboard. I will email this password to you. Save it!!!!!! You will need it every time you click on the whiteboard link!!!!!!! If you lose it, just e-mail me and I will send it again. I am sorry to do this, but I have to keep my board clean and now only certain people will have access to it.
~ Kat

Please e-mail any comments or suggestions regarding my site. My e-mail address is: